Sunday, August 21, 2016

Notification Schema Design in MongoDB

 I was searching for a best solution to design a notification schema in No-SQL database. I was using MongoDB and Mongoose ORM in Node app. I had to maintain the idea of scalability. That's why I tried to keep my schema in a single collection instead of using multiple collections.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Nodejs Route Prefixing in Expressjs

Routing is an important part of modern web applications. we do route for various features development. Routing is actually handling the receiving request and providing response properly. Routing is a getway to receive request from various sources into your application and responding to that request with required data.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

How to integrate Paypal payment API with Laravel 5.2?

Toady I will discuss about Paypal payment API to integrate with Laravel 5.2 . Paypal has an official payment SDK to work with PHP. Let's see how we can work with this SDK and make payment in Larvel.